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Café Buendía
Café Buendía is a brand that not only sales coffee, also shares its philosophy of optimism in life. Making that their purpose in social media, to inspire and spread positivism through each post, story and reel, making the brand increases their engagement with the customers.
"Who would you give a Christmas coffee to?"
"Triki triki Halloween a Buendía Carmel for me"
"The sweetest way to celebrate.
Bake a brindis of brownies and café Buendía Crema de Whisky"
Easy recipes
"You are the one that...
- Put first the water and then the coffee Buendía
- Put first the coffee Buendía and then the water."
"A Buendía Crema de Whisky to fall in love, read a book, work"
"Exercise your mind with Café Buendía"
Art Directors: Alejandra Alzate, Viviana Millan.
Copywriters: Isabella Antolínez
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